The Conservation and Development Group is focused on the protection and enhancement of Felpham’s built and open environment. It watches over our Felpham Conservation Area, identifies ‘shabby areas’, looks at development and responds to local authority consultations.
The Group has created it's own online archive of Listed Buildings together with new photographs by local photograper, Bill Brooks. It intends to do the same with Buildings and Structures of Special Interest and Open Spaces
The Group is currently engaged in an audit of flint walls, a review of Buildings and Structures of Special Interest, following up on the Felpham Conservation Area review by Arun District Council and monitoring the Blake's Cottage renovation.
It has also formed a separate sub-group to 'Freshen-up Felpham'.
Group members have different interests so we try to have only three or four meetings a year and allow individuals to concentrate mainly on following through on the various tasks taken on.