Old Rectory Gardens, Felpham
Saturday, 8 July 2017 - 12:00pm to Sunday, 9 July 2017 - 4:45pm
The third great year for the FVCS Summer event! Cakes and crafts, fun and games, music and more....
The Summer Fête is back again in our fabulous Old Rectory Gardens. Now a firm Felpham favourite, the Fête is fun for the whole family.
- Sponsored by Abacus, Master of Ceremonies, Bob May, presents live bands from the entertainment tent.
- There are traditional games including - Apple Bobbing sponsored by King and Chasemore; football sponsored by Felpham Dental.
- The delicious tea tent sponsored by Milestones
- Pimms and Real Ale tent sponsored by the Fox Inn
- The barbecue run by Bognor Rotary
- more than 50 local businesses either taking part or sponsoring a stall or providing a raffle prize. Thanks to all of them.
And thanks to Felpham Parish Council for granting the money to buy a new marquee. And also thanks to Felpham in Focus for their year round support - there’ll be a Fête leaflet in the next issue – bring it along to be with a chance to win an iPad – courtesy of Bay Tree Estates.