Bring the Whole Family
The Felpham Summer Fete is always great fun for the whole family with traditional games, stalls, food and drink and an afternoon of wonderful music and entertainment (bring your rugs or chairs to enjoy it all). The day has again been supported by over 50 local businesses and organisations giving amazing raffle or tombola prizes, taking a stall, sponsoring an activity or supporting with helpers and games.
Come along with family and friends (and cash too – yes old fashioned cash)………….and enjoy!
Listen to great music and entertainment
Sponsored by Abacus Lettings
Join in family games and activities
Coconut Shy/Hoopla/Skittles/Splat the Rat/Name the Teddy/Guess the weight of the cake – (donated by Bondwood Tea Rooms)/ St Mary’s making wine from water, Methodist Church- Play your Cards Right/ Face painting by Facefanatics/Plus a Family Tombola !
Bring your favourite Teddy Bear or Cuddly Toy to the Teddy Bear’s Parade
Sponsored by Jackie Scott Property Services
All soft toys(with their owners) are welcome to join in the parade.
Enjoy tasty food and drink Sponsored by Milestones
Ever Popular Tea Tent with homemade cakes donated by FVCS members and locals. Pimms and Real Ale tent run by ‘The Fox Inn’. BBQ with burgers and sausages (and veggie variants) from local butcher. Pinks Parlour will be providing the creamy locally made ice creams.
Browse local produce stalls, meet local artisans, clubs and organisations.
Big Prizes to be Won in the Raffle
Lots of great raffle prizes from local businesses including family day passes to Butlin’s, meals at various local eateries, Massage treatments and more.
Win a pair of Amazon Echo DOTs (Gen 5) with the Fete programme
Sponsored by Bay Tree Estates
Bring along the programme delivered with Felpham in Focus. Complete the programme voucher and take it to the FVCS tent to enter.
All Activities are masterfully co-ordinated by Felpham Fete ‘Master of Ceremonies’ Bob May of May’s the Village Estate Agent
A big thank you to all our helpers, sponsors and contributors
If you would like to help on the day, bake a cake for the tea tent, give half an hour on a game or stall, or donate something for the tombola – please message on 07515818470 with your details . Thank you.