We will be holding a Work Party at St Michael's Allotments, as well as a plant sale on Saturday September 2nd - 10.00 am until 1.00 pm. If you think you can spare some time, even for an hour, on Saturday 2nd please let us know as we will be having a BBQ to thank our workers and will need to know quantities. Fair weather hoped for. Any help would be appreciated - It is a beautiful working allotment site surrounded by wild areas. Along with the other allotment holders, we try to maintain a balance of wild and tidy space.
Please bring gloves and tools such as spades, loppers and shears for bramble. We will be selling off all our end of season plants, so come along you might pick up a bargain! The entrance is on Felpham Way just north of the Butlins roundabout, opposite the University car park. It's an easy walk but there will also be some parking.
Hope to see you there.