Membership Application Form

Please note: membership year runs from April 1st each year.

Your name.
The second person's name, for joint membership.
Separate multiple telephone numbers with commas.
Tick any you wish to participate in.
Standing Order would be preferred please - so members do not forget to renew each year as so frequently happens. Our Loyalty Discount Card will then be renewed automatically.

Bank: Lloyds
Account name: Felpham Village Conservation Society
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account number: 70277860
Payment reference: insert your surname.

Please make cheque payable to Felpham Village Conservation Society.

Please deliver cash to: FVCS Membership Secretary, 6 Halliwick Gardens, Felpham PO22 7JE

The Society will never sell your personal data nor share it with third parties. See our Privacy Policy (opens in a new window).