
Maintaining our footpaths!


Through its Conservation and Development Group, the Society is planning to join with local authorities to maintain the footpaths and twittens in the Parish. First, the Society will document every one by putting them onto a definitive map. Then the Society will work with West Sussex County Council, Arun District Council and Felpham Parish Council to make sure that the footpaths are maintained to a high standard. Please note – this does not include footways. A footway is the name given to a path that runs alongside a road – otherwise known as a pavement.

Conserving our flint walls!

Through its Conservation and Development Group, the Society is planning to document every flint wall in the Parish. Having done that, the purpose - then - is to protect them from destruction. There are many ways in which flint walls can be destroyed – unsympathetic development, carelessness, or wilful destruction by people for whom an ancient flint wall might be an inconvenience. It is not the Society’s intention to rebuild or maintain the flint walls – that is because most (if not all), are in private ownership.

Great British Beach Clean

Beach Clean Survey

Well Done Felpham. 

The annual Great British Beach Clean is organised nationally by the Marine Conservation Trust. Felpham Village Conservation Society organises a regular beach clean on the second Saturday of every month come rain or shine. The Society decided to move their September clean to the third week to coincide with the Great British Beach Clean.  

February Beach Clean


Thanks to all the volunteers who attended the Beach Clean session on Saturday 11th February, we collected 14 sacks of rubbish and 1 for recycling. A great time was had by all. This brings our tally for 2017 so far to 19 bags of rubbish and 2 for recycling
