Submitted by Geoff on

Although the weather threatened to ruin the day, the rain stopped just in time and a wonderful Fete got under way. It was a great great success.
A great variety of stalls arrived, and all did very well. The Tea Tent sold out by 4pm and the BBQ did a roaring trade.
On the downside, we were let down by Pinks Ice Cream 48hrs before, and we were unable to find another ice cream seller. They did however provide us with tubs of ice cream which the Fox sold for us. The Face painter was unable to attend due to a train strike (!) and La Saucy Salsa also had to pull out due to unavailability of stock.
On the upside, the first aid lady Barbara, new to us this year, was brilliant. The Heavy Gang was amazing, everything up by 10am ‘ish. The clearing up was also done in record time, and the gardens looked as if no event had taken place. Brilliant, well done all.
‘Inferno’ the ABBA tribute band was amazing and enjoyed by all. Everyone up and dancing, the world loves ABBA!
Many thanks to all the volunteers and helpers without whom our Fete would not be possible, you all worked so hard.
The weight of cake 4lb 8.4ozs was won by Mike D. Name of teddy - Thor - was won by Mike Few. And Karl White guessed the amount of sweets in jar. Karen won the pair of Ecko Dot speakers!