Submitted by Geoff on

What an amazing day this was!! The sun shone, the music played, and everyone was happy. Thanks must go to Pamela Cosgrove and Pauline Harris for organising this event. Well done you two; we know you had many challenges in the weeks leading up to the fete and thankfully all came right on the day.
Also, thanks must go to all our volunteers and helpers, without them this event couldn’t have happened, unfortunately we can’t name everyone here but you know who you are and we hope you will be with us next year? Our ‘Heavy Gang’ led by Glenn Powell and Mike Pavard with their team need to be congratulated, setting up this site is not straightforward. They started at 7am and didn’t stop until the end of the day after 7pm. Thank you all so much.
David and Moira Webb for heading the BBQ this year – first time. Your team were magnificent – hot place to be - thank you so much. To Maggie Lupton for organising the raffle and tombola; and to those of you who gave raffle prizes and tombola goodies – a big thank you. Val Morris brought the children’s games together with her helpers and had a brilliant day. Thanks Val. Nicky Bailey headed the FVCS Tea Tent with a great team of helpers – many thanks. First time for Nicky and she brought it all together so well. Many thanks to Rachel Searle who helped bring together the music production on the day - challenges throughout but it happened.
We’ve had so many compliments and great feedback this year – how can we match this next year? Look in Photos for 45 photos of the wonderful day! The Teddy Bear was called BIFF and given Rosemone Stag; Elliott won the sweet jar; Caroline won the 'guess the weight of the cake; Tim Burke won the Bay Tree prize of an Echo Show.
“It was brilliant”. “Fabulous afternoon. The best Felpham Conservation Fete yet! Everyone had a fabulous time with Rule the World getting everyone buzzing from the start. Excellent and thanks to you all”. “A great success, thanks to all who worked so hard to organise this fete”. “Great afternoon! Thanks to all who put in so much time and effort for it to happen”. “A great success – everyone in the village should be proud”.