Areas of special local character
There are additional forms of local designation to manage local historic environment. These generally take the form of areas of special local character, designed to capture historically important areas that fail to meet the criteria for designating conservation areas. Although such areas of special character are generally used to identify areas based upon their architectural or townscape merits, they may also deal with other elements of the historic environment such as locally important landscapes or archaeology.
Local Open Spaces
Felpham Parish Council has chosen to list a number of Local Open Spaces in its Neighbourhood Plan. In particular, these include the grassed areas within the several private estates. Whilst this designation doesn't carry the same weight as a Local Green Space it is now part of Arun’s planning laws. There are 11 Local Open Spaces:
- Flansham Lane Park
- Roundle Square Open Space
- Beach Estate Open Space
- Hurstwood Estate Open Space
- Ceres Place Open Space
- Pennyfields
- Golf Links Road Open Space
- Blake’s Mead Open Space
- St Michael’s Allotments site and horsefield
- Felpham Way Allotments Site
- School Playing Fields (Bishop Tufnell/Pennyfields, Downview Primary, Felpham Community College)
Buildings and Structures of Character
The following buildings or structures are of significant local interest and contribute to Felpham’s distinctiveness:
Felpham Road
- No 79 (King and Chasemore)
- No 108 (Boots Pharmacy)
- No 105
- Old School Mews
- Former Barn, now garages to St Mary’s Mews
- No 48
- 48b
- Sunshine Cottage
- No 30
- No 32 (Bay Cottage)
- No 34 (Sunnynook)
- No 36
- The Old Mill
Felpham Way
- No 43 (So India)
- No 85
Limmer Lane
- No 8 (The Thatched House PH) 1, 2, 3 Turret House Mews
- No 15
- No 96 (Summerley Barn)
- No 98
Old Coastguards Lane (off Admiralty Road)
- Nos 1-7 Old Coastguards
- Nos 8-15 Old Coastguards
Sea Road
- Nos 1-7 Victoria Terrace
- My Shanty
- Vilhoet
Summerley Lane
- Limmer Lodge
Vicarage Lane
- The Fox Inn PH
- The Old Cottage
Waterloo Road
- Winterton Cottage
- Southside Cottage
- Seaway Cottage
- No 3
- Thimble Cottage
- Nos 2, 3 Fernbank
- Fernbank Cottage