Mission Statement
The Felpham Village Conservation Society exists to conserve the historical, cultural and aesthetic significance of our built and natural environment. We are nonpolitical and inclusive, having an open membership to every householder living within the Parish and those from without who use and value our facilities and environment. We seek to protect what is good, to improve those things that fall short and to enhance our community wherever possible.
The Village Conservation Society has a long history. A residents' association was founded as an environmental pressure group in 1927 and survived until 1979. The Felpham Conservation Society was founded in 1980 and by 1985 had 600 members. (Probably around 10% of the population of the parish at the time). The civil Parish Council also came into being that year and we continue to work with them where we can.
One of the Society's early successes was the creation of the Conservation Area in 1985. This was the initial impetus and the Society still watches over the built and natural environment and in particular the Felpham Conservation Area. However today it does much more and organises some of the significant Felpham annual activities.
The Conservation Society and its members...
- Watch out for significant developments
- Keep a watching brief on the Conservation Area and listed buildings
- Work with the local authorities on local plans
- Provide the village with a Christmas tree
- Manage the provision of flower baskets through the village
- Act as the Friends of Old Rectory Gardens
- Put on the Felpham Summer Fete
- Promote the knowledge and understanding of local history
- Commemorate and celebrate significant national events
- Assist other local groups working for the good of the village
- Run occasional social events such as quiz evenings and specialist talks
- Promote the wellbeing of St Michael's Allotments
The Felpham Village Conservation Society has more than 250 members from throughout the Parish of Felpham and some from outside. Whilst the Society has a focus on Felpham Village, it covers the whole of Felpham including all the various estates and different areas.
We are organised into Working Groups each with its own leadership and supporters including:
- History, heritage and Archive
- Conservation and Development
- Hanging Baskets and Allotments
- Beach Clean
- Gardens inc Friends of Rectory Gardens
- Events and Activities
The Society has a committee of currently 8 members and meets at least 8 times a year monthly to decide on policy, activities, and other society matters.